Faculty of Health Sciences
Doctoral and Habilitation Council of Health Sciences
respectfully invites you to the open debate of
PhD thesis, entitled:
Date: Friday, 5 July 2024, 10:30 a.m. CET
via MS. Teams:
Head of the Doctoral School: Prof Dr István KISS MD, DSc
Programme leader: Prof Dr L Gábor KOVÁCS MD, DSc, professor emeritus
Supervisor: Dr Miklós ZRINYI PhD
Prof. Dr. József BETLEHEM
University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care, Pedagogy of Health and Nursing Sciences
Dr habil Kinga LAMPEK PhD
University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Promotion and Public Health
Dr habil Adrienn SIKET UJVARINE PhD
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Science
Prof. Dr. Edit PAULIK
University of Szeged Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School Institute of Public Health
Dr Angelika SZATMÁRI PhD
University of Szeged Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies Department of Nursing
The dissertation can be viewed in the Library of UP FHS (7621 Pécs, Vörösmarty. u. 3.),
and on the website of the Doctoral School of Health Sciences:
Doctoral and Habilitation Council of Health Sciences