Doctoral (Ph.D.) complex exam guide 2019-2020 Spring semester

2020. MÁRCIUS 3. Hírek Kari hírek

Dear PhD Student,


The Doctoral School of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs organizes a complex exam for those PhD students, who enrolled in our new four-year doctoral programme, in accordance with the current rules and regulations of the Doctoral Training Program (see Appendix). Accordingly, all PhD students will need to demonstrate their study progress and factual knowledge through the assessment processs at the end of the second year.

Introduction to the complex exam rules of the Doctoral School of Health Sciences

As stated in section 16 of the Code of Rules and Regulations of the Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, students who began their studies during the 2016/2017 academic year and thereafter, the fourth semester will only be accepted if they have passed a complex exam in order to fully complete the study and research phase of the training program. The complex exam is to assess and evaluate student progress both in the field of study and research activity. Successful completion of the complex exam is a criterion for the continuation of the PhD programme in the following two years.


Structure of the complex exam

The complex PhD exam is an open oral exam acknowledged by the Complex Examination Board, which was officially invited and entrusted by the Doctoral and Habilitation Board of the University (DHBU). The complex exam is composed of two sections: one aims to assess the examinee’s theoretical knowledge (’theoretical section’), while the other section offers the opportunity to demonstrate student achievements in the field of research (’dissertation section’).



The theoretical section of the complex exam involves at least two subjects/topics for assessing the examinee’s competency and provides basis for the exam questions.

Every PhD student must take an exam in the subject of RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY and in another subject relevant to their own field of research, as follows:




1. program /    PR-1


Prof. Dr.Gábor L. Kovács, course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

 Health care economics / Health care sociology

2. program /  PR-2


Dr. Zsófia Verzár, course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

 Cardiovascular diseases

3. program /  PR-3


Prof. Dr.János Kránicz, course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

 Basics of physiotherapy

4. program /  PR-4


Prof.Dr. Endre Sulyok, course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

 Neonatal adaptation

5. program /  PR-5


Prof.Dr. József Bódis, course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

 Reproductive endocrinology

6. program /  PR-6


Prof. Dr.István Kiss,  course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

 Clinical Oncology

7. program /  PR-7


Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági, course director
Dr. Pongrác Ács, associate course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology

Sport- and health sciences

8. program /  PR-8


Prof. Dr. Mária Figler, course director


Epidemiology/Research Methodology



If requested by the PhD student beforehand, the DHBU may grant individual exemption from one of the theoretical subjects of the complex exam to those PhD students who

a) have passed a successful PhD final exam in the given subject, or an exam which is equally recognized

b) have participated in undergraduate training teaching the given subject for a minimum of four semesters,

c) have written a book/course book on the given subject.

Please scan the signed request document, and send it electronically to the following email address:



The second section of the complex exam involves an oral presentation, where the examinee will be asked to demonstrate their comprehensive knowledge of scientific literature, to give a report on their achievements in the field of research, and to introduce their research plans for the second phase of the PhD program. The examinee will also present the developed plans for the PhD thesis and the scheduled steps of publishing the dissertation. In support of the evaluation of the dissertation section, on registering for the exam date, the examinee must submit a study, signed and acknowledged by the mentor, based on the following recommended structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results. The date of the complex exam must be officially announced at least three weeks prior to the exam date.


Deadline for submitting exemption and registering for the examination with the indication of the 2nd subject and the submission of the written Complex Exam (research plan and report signed by the supervisor)

16th April 2020 (Thursday)


Dates of the Complex Exam

28th May 2020 (Thursday) 9 a.m.  Doctoral School Office
4th June 2020 (Thursday) 9 a.m. Doctoral School Office
11th June 2020 (Thursday) 9 a.m. Doctoral School Office


Expected time of retake examination
28th August 2020 (Friday) 9 a.m. Doctoral School Office


Complex Examination Board

The Complex Examination Board consists of a chairman and two members, who are appointed by the Doctoral Habilitation Board of the University with the recommendation of the Doctoral School.  The chair of the board is a professionally competent professor. One of the members cannot be employed by the University of Pécs. Any person who cannot provide an unbiased evaluation of the examination, including the supervision of the PhD student, may not become a member of the board. The PhD student must be informed about the structure of the Complex Examination Board. The PhD student may raise written objections against the structure of the Complex Examination Board to the Doctoral and Habilitation Board of the University within eight days in the case of bias or conflicts of interest exclusively. Regarding all questions on the operation of the Complex Examination Board, decisions should be made in a closed session, by open and by majority vote, where the chairman votes last. Only “yes” and “no” votes are accepted.  The complex exam can only be effected if all three members of the committee are present.


Evaluation of the complex exam

The Examination Board evaluates the theoretical and written parts of the exam separately. A report containing a textual evaluation of the complex examination is prepared. A complex exam is successful if the majority of the committee members consider both exams to be successful. In the case of a failed theoretical exam, the candidate may repeat the exam once during the same examination period.


The complex examination performance is assessed by members of the committee on a scale of 1 to 5, per part and per individual. The exam is successful if the candidate’s score reaches 60% of the points. The qualification of the complex exam is pass or fail respectively.  The result must be announced directly after the complex exam. The result of the complex exam is recorded in the committee’s report, and the certificate for the complex exam is issued.

Please find the detailed information about the exam attached.


We wish you pleasant preparation and a successful examination,


Doctoral School of Health Sciences